Source code for jks.util

# vim: set et ai ts=4 sts=4 sw=4:
from __future__ import print_function
import textwrap
import base64
import struct

b8 = struct.Struct('>Q')
b4 = struct.Struct('>L') # unsigned
b2 = struct.Struct('>H')
b1 = struct.Struct('B') # unsigned

py23basestring = ("".__class__, u"".__class__) # useful for isinstance checks

RSA_ENCRYPTION_OID = (1,2,840,113549,1,1,1)
DSA_OID            = (1,2,840,10040,4,1)       # identifier for DSA public/private keys; see RFC 3279, section 2.2.2 (e.g. in PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo or X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
DSA_WITH_SHA1_OID  = (1,2,840,10040,4,3)       # identifier for the DSA signature algorithm; see RFC 3279, section 2.3.2 (e.g. in X.509 signatures)

[docs]class KeystoreException(Exception): """Superclass for all pyjks exceptions.""" pass
[docs]class KeystoreSignatureException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that the supplied password for a keystore integrity check is incorrect.""" pass
[docs]class DuplicateAliasException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that duplicate aliases were encountered in a keystore.""" pass
[docs]class NotYetDecryptedException(KeystoreException): """ Signifies that an attribute of a key store entry can not be accessed because the entry has not yet been decrypted. By default, the keystore ``load`` and ``loads`` methods automatically try to decrypt all key entries using the store password. Any keys for which that attempt fails are returned undecrypted, and will raise this exception when its attributes are accessed. To resolve, first call decrypt() with the correct password on the entry object whose attributes you want to access. """ pass
[docs]class BadKeystoreFormatException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that a structural error was encountered during key store parsing.""" pass
[docs]class BadDataLengthException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that given input data was of wrong or unexpected length.""" pass
[docs]class BadPaddingException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that bad padding was encountered during decryption.""" pass
[docs]class BadHashCheckException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that a hash computation did not match an expected value.""" pass
[docs]class DecryptionFailureException(KeystoreException): """Signifies failure to decrypt a value.""" pass
[docs]class UnsupportedKeystoreVersionException(KeystoreException): """Signifies an unexpected or unsupported keystore format version.""" pass
[docs]class UnexpectedJavaTypeException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that a serialized Java object of unexpected type was encountered.""" pass
[docs]class UnexpectedAlgorithmException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that an unexpected cryptographic algorithm was used in a keystore.""" pass
[docs]class UnexpectedKeyEncodingException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that a key was stored in an unexpected format or encoding.""" pass
[docs]class UnsupportedKeystoreTypeException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that the keystore was an unsupported type.""" pass
[docs]class UnsupportedKeystoreEntryTypeException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that the keystore entry was an unsupported type.""" pass
[docs]class UnsupportedKeyFormatException(KeystoreException): """Signifies that the key format was an unsupported type.""" pass
class AbstractKeystore(object): """ Abstract superclass for keystores. """ def __init__(self, store_type, entries): self.store_type = store_type #: A string indicating the type of keystore that was loaded. self.entries = dict(entries) #: A dictionary of all entries in the keystore, mapped by alias. @classmethod def load(cls, filename, store_password, try_decrypt_keys=True): """ Convenience wrapper function; reads the contents of the given file and passes it through to :func:`loads`. See :func:`loads`. """ with open(filename, 'rb') as file: input_bytes = ret = cls.loads(input_bytes, store_password, try_decrypt_keys=try_decrypt_keys) return ret def save(self, filename, store_password): """ Convenience wrapper function; calls the :func:`saves` and saves the content to a file. """ with open(filename, 'wb') as file: keystore_bytes = self.saves(store_password) file.write(keystore_bytes) @classmethod def _read_utf(cls, data, pos, kind=None): """ :param kind: Optional; a human-friendly identifier for the kind of UTF-8 data we're loading (e.g. is it a keystore alias? an algorithm identifier? something else?). Used to construct more informative exception messages when a decoding error occurs. """ size = b2.unpack_from(data, pos)[0] pos += 2 try: return data[pos:pos+size].decode('utf-8'), pos+size except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError) as e: raise BadKeystoreFormatException(("Failed to read %s, contains bad UTF-8 data: %s" % (kind, str(e))) if kind else \ ("Encountered bad UTF-8 data: %s" % str(e))) @classmethod def _read_data(cls, data, pos): size = b4.unpack_from(data, pos)[0] pos += 4 return data[pos:pos+size], pos+size @classmethod def _write_utf(cls, text): encoded_text = text.encode('utf-8') size = len(encoded_text) result = b2.pack(size) result += encoded_text return result @classmethod def _write_data(cls, data): size = len(data) result = b4.pack(size) result += data return result class AbstractKeystoreEntry(object): """Abstract superclass for keystore entries.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AbstractKeystoreEntry, self).__init__() self.store_type = kwargs.get("store_type") self.alias = kwargs.get("alias") self.timestamp = kwargs.get("timestamp") @classmethod def new(cls, alias): """ Helper function to create a new KeyStoreEntry. """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def is_decrypted(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the entry has already been decrypted, ``False`` otherwise. """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def decrypt(self, key_password): """ Decrypts the entry using the given password. Has no effect if the entry has already been decrypted. :param str key_password: The password to decrypt the entry with. :raises DecryptionFailureException: If the entry could not be decrypted using the given password. :raises UnexpectedAlgorithmException: If the entry was encrypted with an unknown or unexpected algorithm """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def encrypt(self, key_password): """ Encrypts the entry using the given password, so that it can be saved. :param str key_password: The password to encrypt the entry with. """ raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method") def as_hex(ba): return "".join("{:02x}".format(b) for b in bytearray(ba)) def as_pem(der_bytes, type): result = "-----BEGIN %s-----\n" % type result += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(base64.b64encode(der_bytes).decode('ascii'), 64)) result += "\n-----END %s-----" % type return result def bitstring_to_bytes(bitstr): """ Converts a pyasn1 univ.BitString instance to byte sequence of type 'bytes'. The bit string is interpreted big-endian and is left-padded with 0 bits to form a multiple of 8. """ bitlist = list(bitstr) bits_missing = (8 - len(bitlist) % 8) % 8 bitlist = [0]*bits_missing + bitlist # pad with 0 bits to a multiple of 8 result = bytearray() for i in range(0, len(bitlist), 8): byte = 0 for j in range(8): byte = (byte << 1) | bitlist[i+j] result.append(byte) return bytes(result) def xor_bytearrays(a, b): return bytearray([x^y for x,y in zip(a,b)]) def print_pem(der_bytes, type): print(as_pem(der_bytes, type)) def pkey_as_pem(pk): if pk.algorithm_oid == RSA_ENCRYPTION_OID: return as_pem(pk.pkey, "RSA PRIVATE KEY") else: return as_pem(pk.pkey_pkcs8, "PRIVATE KEY") def strip_pkcs5_padding(m): """ Drop PKCS5 padding: 8-(||M|| mod 8) octets each with value 8-(||M|| mod 8) Note: ideally we would use pycrypto for this, but it doesn't provide padding functionality and the project is virtually dead at this point. """ return strip_pkcs7_padding(m, 8) def strip_pkcs7_padding(m, block_size): """ Same as PKCS#5 padding, except generalized to block sizes other than 8. """ if len(m) < block_size or len(m) % block_size != 0: raise BadPaddingException("Unable to strip padding: invalid message length") m = bytearray(m) # py2/3 compatibility: always returns individual indexed elements as ints last_byte = m[-1] # the <last_byte> bytes of m must all have value <last_byte>, otherwise something's wrong if (last_byte <= 0 or last_byte > block_size) or (m[-last_byte:] != bytearray([last_byte])*last_byte): raise BadPaddingException("Unable to strip padding: invalid padding found") return bytes(m[:-last_byte]) # back to 'str'/'bytes' def add_pkcs7_padding(m, block_size): if block_size <= 0 or block_size > 255: raise ValueError("Invalid block size") m = bytearray(m) num_padding_bytes = block_size - (len(m) % block_size) m = m + bytearray([num_padding_bytes]*num_padding_bytes) return bytes(m)